Instructions for Self-Hypnosis

Instructions for Self-Hypnosis

I built this primarily for my clients who may need extra shift and growth between sessions. It’s fined tuned to promote trance how I’d want to see it in your body, and that helps build the change we want to see in your mind (feelings & behaviors).  It can also give you a better knack for in session work.

The first times through, it’s ok to pop in and out and read what to do next. Hypnosis has a wonderful “pause” feature. Just find the groove again, and you’re pretty much set. For many, that takes like 10-20 seconds or so. After a few sit-throughs, you’ll likely get the gist enough to get good effects without looking.

Keep the mindset of an explorer: receptive without expectation, no judgment – just discovery and an adventure into unknown lands.

I call it The Magic Triangle

Let’s Begin!

Quick Steps

(1) Before Going In

  • Have your specific Images and Questions worked out before you begin

(2) Building the State

  • Fix your eyes on a spot

  • Feel for the shift

  • Change to peripheral vision, keeping eyes fixed on same spot
  • Soak in the state.  Can close eyes if you like.  Keep the feeling.

(3) Building the Triangle

  • Palms up, elbows float
  • Unconscious chooses one of the hands
  • It chooses a spot on that hand

  • Unconscious chooses a spot on the other hand.
  • It chooses a spot up in the air above them

  • Let a line connect the dots so you are now holding a triangle

(4) Exploring the Triangle

  • What does the triangle feel like? (Note subtle sensations)

  • Gentle weight or lightness?
  • Thin or thick? Firm or soft?
  • Texture? Color?
  • Explore it a bit more

(5) Opening the Triangle (Portal)

  • To open the portal to the unconscious, send it energy:
  • Energy comes from the depths of yourself
  • Different energies can get you different results.
  • At some point, the triangle will receive enough energy and just open

(6) Inserting Suggestions

  • Feelings/Behaviour: Insert your Image. Try imagining it profoundly and as incredibly activated

  • Questions: Direct your questions to the unconscious and be set to receive. No expectations, no judgement.

(7) Closing the Triangle

  • Allow the triangle to close and the hands to lower to the legs.  Open your eyes when ready.

Before Going In
Be clear on why you doing self-hypnosis. Some people want to change their feelings or behaviors/habits. Others may want info or a conversation with their unconscious.

Feelings and Behaviors
Imagery potently impresses upon the unconscious and can promote profound change. Get an image of the change you wish to have. Build this up for a minute or two or more. The more one gets into it, the more effect they tend to have.

Info and Conversation
Be specific beforehand what you want to know. It can help to have it written out as “Question #1,” “Question #2,” etc.”

Building the State

Detailed Instructions
for Self-Hypnosis

Before Going In

Be clear and precise about what you want from self-hypnosis.  Some people want to change their feelings or behaviors.  Others may want info or a conversation from their unconscious.

If you are aiming to alter feelings or behaviors, use powerful imagery.  Imagery potently impresses upon the unconscious and can promote profound change. Get an image of the change you wish to have. Build this up for a bit. The more one gets into it, the more effect they tend to have.

If you are aiming to discover unconscious information, it helps to write it out before hand: “Question #1,”  “Question #2,” etc.  In doing this, many end up fixing up their questions or adjusting to better get the answers they want.

Building the State

(A) Find a spot on the wall in front of you.  Any spot will do.  A spot 45 degrees up from your eyes tend to be more conducive.

(B) Fix your eyes there and wait for a shift.  It may be very subtle or quite obvious.  This is usually 2-20 seconds or so.  For those noticing that they kind of pop in and out of it, that’s natural.  Just go with it.  The state is very likely increasing even with that.  For those that need more certainty, that’s conscious mind stuff!  The unconscious doesn’t really operate like that.  But I will say this: after 2 minutes of eye fixation, just about everyone is ready to continue.

This shift itself might be the increased stillness that arises in the waiting (see, it’s subtle). The shift might be the slightest tension throughout the body, or a relaxation, or a feeling that you have to rouse a your mind a bit more to get your limbs to move.  Or it might be more exaggerated.

(C) Now do that thing where you keep your eyes fixed, but you aren’t looking at that spot one directly anymore. In fact, you won’t be looking at anything directly; however you take in a whole lot more.  If you are looking at tree, this allows you to observe every leaf and it’s movement all at the same time.

This elicits your peripheral vision.  We’ll say the conscious highly uses the focused (foveal) vision, while the peripheral vision is the wide open fields the unconscious plays in.  In everyday life, if your attention is “drawn” towards something, it is because your unconscious saw and analyzed it first in the peripheral and then elicited the urge for your eyes to move there.  The two have a wonderful and interplay and exchange in most things.

(D) Now sit in this state for a short time, maybe a minute or two or five. As you become accustomed to this procedure, less time is required. We expect to have a further increase in the body state; however, this may be too subtle for new ones to notice in themself.

Building the Triangle

(A) Hold your hands out comfortably in front of you, palms up, and where you can see them in your peripheral.  The hands can rest on your legs/lap.  If you float the elbows and the palms so it’s all in the air, this can produce greater effects in the next steps.

(B) Don’t consciously choose, but let your unconscious choose, one of those hands. Allow it to then further choose one spot on one of those hands. Hold this spot, in your hand (as if it’s physically there) and in your mind as well.

(C) Let your unconscious choose a spot on the other hand. Hold this spot, in your hand and in your mind as well. This is the base of your triangle.

(D) Somewhere up in the air, your unconscious can find the third spot.

(E) Let a line connect the dots so that the triangle becomes real and solid.

Exploring the Triangle

Feel the triangle in your hands, now that it is created.

Is there a gentle weight or lightness?  Thin or thick? Hard, firm, or soft? How about texture? Is there a color associated with the triangle?  Explore any other quality of the triangle we haven’t yet discussed.

Opening the Triangle

This triangle is a portal to the unconscious, but we have to open it first.

From deep within, send the triangle a powerful energy.  The energy should have the vibe of “open” and you might even say this, outloud or inside oneself, to help the feeling along.  Do not force.  Do not push.  Do not command like a king.  It’s not conducive and isn’t kind to the unconscious.  It is better to wait in receptivity with a request, as if to a dear friend.

At some point of the unconscious’ choosing, when it has received enough energy, the triangle opens.

Inserting Suggestions

Images are a powerful way to send suggestions to your unconscious, especially for feelings and behavior.  The more “charge” the image has, the more shift one tends to get.  One can increase the charge by imagining more vehemently (at some point that gets counterproductive) or creating images with a sense of being profound.  But it’s probably better to first play with adding images that stimulate the body and emotions.  For example, for feelings relaxation, imaging an everyday sit on the couch tends to be less powerful than imagining getting a massage with those hands absolutely working you over till you’re just putty on the table, and you can just melt safely into the experience.

Now, just put that into the triangle which is to say right into the unconscious.

Closing the Triangle

Allow the triangle to close and the hands to lower to the legs. Open your eyes when ready.