Anxiety and Hypnotherapy

Anxiety and Hypnotherapy

For those with anxiety, there’s hope!  Anxiety is the #1 issue I treat here, and a well-tread path leads out of your situation into a more comfortable and happy life.

At first, Anxiety grabs control.  Despite one’s efforts to steady or calm, hands may shake and hearts may pound.  It’s like the body has become out of control, and no amount of force of will can wrangle power back until it decides its done with its episode.  Some have described the experience as an erratic wobbly spinning top that threatens to crash at any moment.  And all you can do is watch.

However, hypnotherapy allows you take back control and recover.

Anxiety can originate in an acute event or it may rise gradually (e.g. an acute embarrassment or it just appears after accumulating from a series smaller stuff).  It may fixate on certain situations, people, or places.  Or it can be so generalized that one worries about pretty much everything.

When stress comes, the tendency is to just shove it down, but it gets squeezed into a box far too small for it to fit.  Too much pressure builds up and, over time, things can start getting weird emotionally and behaviorally.  Symptoms might start intensifying and new stuff might start popping up. And it’s far too easy to get trapped in a cycle of negative self-talk and a body that is out of control.  But you can’t just let it run amok either!  You have to get on with your daily tasks and responsibilities.  So what can you do?

Will-Power doesn’t work.  I’m sure that’s something we’ve all tried.  There is so much pressing and applying with will-power, and it just doesn’t work.  Will-Power is like a weak glue and whatever you try applying it onto, you can watch start to peel and then fall off the moment you stop applying . . . if the pressing worked at all in the first place.

But there is a way to get that body back in control, to get that comfortable confidence to stay reliable, solid, and certain.  With hypnosis, this happens automatically.  No need to press or apply.  Your Unconscious does it while you stay relaxed and enjoy your day.  The anxious thought never even occurs.

Hypnotherapy allows the body to *relax* and find its ease.  We build a wonderful groove so that a calm relaxed body and relaxed comfortable mind become the only path.

Peace.  And your body back in control again.

Your life regained.